AKA The Quantum Leap Guy
1-971-401-6671 (PT) —
Your body's ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.
"Remove stress from the body and the body regenerates itself. You can heal yourself."
—Rhonda Byrne
"The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.
The physician treats, but nature heals."
—Hippocrates (460 BC)
The Law of Vibration
A primary law that states that nothing rests, everything moves and vibrates.
All vibrations are energy, and all energy operates on different levels of frequencies.
"Energy medicine is about activating the natural healing capacity of your body, and about self-care methods that promote even higher levels of wellness and performance.
If you are to thrive, you must participate in the evolution of your body's energy patterns."
—Donna Eden
"Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe.
All things have a frequency and a vibration.
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."
—Nikola Tesla
"Everything in life is vibration.
Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies."
—Albert Einstein
The iTeraCare device is certified household electrical equipment. It has been certified as “safe to use.” It emits no harmful radiation, and it has labels allowing for its distribution internationally.
The iTeraCare blower is not a piece of medical equipment and the manufacturer provides no medical advice. Users understand that the device is not intended to be used as a medical device or for diagnostic purposes on which reliance should be placed. Its use is not intended to be relied upon in lieu of medical treatment or advice by a trained medical care practitioner. Users understand that they use the iTeraCare blower at their own risk.
Always consult your doctor or other healthcare professional with any questions regarding any medical condition, or for specific guidance regarding the optimal use of the iTeraCare blower, nutrition, or physical activity.
Copyright © 2025 By John Scevola. All Rights Reserved.